As guided by the Amir of Qatar, His Highness Sheikh Tamim, Istisqa prayer was offered in our School on Nov 14th, 2025. Performing Istisqa Prayer (Salat Al-Istisqa) at school is a beautiful way for students and teachers to come together in seeking rain and blessings from Allah, especially when rain is needed. It’s important for students to understand that this prayer is a Sunnah (tradition) of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and is performed to ask Allah for rain.
After the two rak’ahs, the Imam delivered a short khutbah (sermon) that included a special dua (supplication) asking for rain. This includes seeking Allah’s forgiveness and asking for His mercy.
“اللهم اسقنا غيثاً مغيثاً، مريئاً، مريعاً، غدقاً، مجللاً، نافعاً غير ضار”
O Allah, provide us with beneficial rain, pouring and abundant, widespread and fruitful, not harmful but beneficial.
“اللهم أغثنا، اللهم أغثنا، اللهم أغثنا”
O Allah, send us rain, O Allah, send us rain, O Allah, send us rain
After the prayer, we encouraged students to reflect on the importance of rain and the blessings it brings, as well as the value of patience, gratitude, and turning to Allah in times of need.